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Visit neighbours, relatives and friends are one of the cultures that the Malaysian practice nowadays. Say hello, Assalamualaikum and hi are the other cultures Malaysian used to show respect to the older person or to their friends. Festivals such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Deepavali, Chinese New Year and Hari Gawai are the festivals that Malaysians celebrate together even though they are from different races and religion. Open-houses are the best example to show the Malaysians are unite with harmony. Shake hands when meet someone we know also to show respect and make other people feel appreciated.



Malaysian Cultures

Malaysia is full with cultures even though there are differences between races, language, and religion. These colourful cultures live under unity peacefully without argument any issues about other races or religion. Malaysian are very kind as they respect others. As for me, I respect others even though there are Chinese, Indians or even Malay as they are also Malaysian and support the 1Malaysia campaign. .