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Language Courtesy Is Our Culture

Greeting Malaysia. Welcome to my blog.
12:27 AM

Festivals In Malaysia

These show that Malaysia have colourful cultures and still celebrate with others without compare their races or religions.

10:13 PM


Visit neighbours, relatives and friends are one of the cultures that the Malaysian practice nowadays. Say hello, Assalamualaikum and hi are the other cultures Malaysian used to show respect to the older person or to their friends. Festivals such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Deepavali, Chinese New Year and Hari Gawai are the festivals that Malaysians celebrate together even though they are from different races and religion. Open-houses are the best example to show the Malaysians are unite with harmony. Shake hands when meet someone we know also to show respect and make other people feel appreciated.

2:20 AM

Language Courtesy is Our Culture....
As Malaysians we have to be proud to our country as it full with different culture and races...
In Malaysia, there are many cultures as different kind of races since World War II. Because of the historical moment, we live now under one nation even though we have different kind of language and religion.
As we can see nowadays, the government put an effort by organizing the campaign 'Language Courtesy Is Our Culture' to encourage the Malaysians realize that cultures and and courtesy is very important as that show our integrity of people of Malaysia.
Apart from that, the '1 Malaysia' campaign introduce by our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak is to promote the Malaysians to become one unity and avoid quarrel among them. Under 1 Malaysia, PM encourage the Malaysians not to touch any issues that are sensitive to others or races. 1 Malaysia promote unity, peace and harmony.
As Malaysians, we should feel lucky as there are no wars and natural disasters like other countries suffering now like Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan hoping for peace of wars. And Acheh, Sri Lanka, Haiti struggling for life from mother nature.

1:54 AM

Courtesy is the most important things in our daily life... Without it, Malaysia will not be considered as a nation that has totally civilized and independent. Thank you is the easiest way to show respect to others.
Homestay and museum are the agents for Malaysian culture to be preserve and secure to show that Malaysia has his own culture and differ from other countries.


Malaysian Cultures

Malaysia is full with cultures even though there are differences between races, language, and religion. These colourful cultures live under unity peacefully without argument any issues about other races or religion. Malaysian are very kind as they respect others. As for me, I respect others even though there are Chinese, Indians or even Malay as they are also Malaysian and support the 1Malaysia campaign. .